Thursday, March 11, 2010

SVN -Weekly Report 1

First Task
This week, before starting to implement core functions of our project, I started to work on how to use Subversion in eclipse in order to control our source codes in a better way. As far as I see, using SVN via Eclipse is much more easier than using it from the command line.

First, we have to prepare our environment to use SVN in eclipse.
From Help->Install New Software tab, we will use “” site for downloading SVN.

After installing it, we have to switch to SVN view of eclipse and add an SVN repository. For the URL of the repository, we will use svn+ssh:// which is provided by our department. Now our SVN repository is ready to use.

Basics and command-line usage
Now let me talk about the basic concepts of SVN. In Subversion, code is stored in a repository, which is located somewhere on the network.
The essential Subversion life cycle is the following:
1.Check out a project (a directory path) from a repository.
2.In that project directory, create or edit files and subdirectories.
3.Update your local copy from the repository, picking up changes your team members may have made since your last update.
4.Go to step 2. If you're ready to commit your changes, go to step 5.
5.Commit your changes to the repository. Go to step 2.

First, we have to commit our code to repository. For that issue, we will right click on the project from Java view of the project and select Team->Commit from there. Update can also be done from the same place.
For check out, we have to switch back to the SVN view. We will right click on the repository and choose Check out option to override our current project.

Second Task
I started to do some research about how to send files effectively via Android. We observed that SOAP works a bit slow and since time is an important issue for our project, changing that approach may be reasonable. As far as I see, the easiest solution would be to use the apache http client to get and post JSON requests to the server.

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